Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dark Lit Hoodoo

Just a little On1 2020 magic and a photo that was shot in the mid day takes on a whole new look. LYLE

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Great Wash

This turned out to be one of the prettiest shots I took in Capitol Reef National Park. It is in the Great Wash, a slot canyon in the park. At this point the canyon walls were about 300' high and about 15' apart. What a cool feeling it is to walk through this area. The park ranger said if there is a rain fall of about 3/8" in the area it will become a flash flood in the canyon and they close it to hikers. It is about 1.3 miles long. LYLE

Suprise Arch

Prior to going to the Great Wash we asked the ranger at the visitor center if there were any arches in the area. He replied that there were not, it really surprised me when I saw this on the wall about half way into the slot canyon. LYLE

Sun Burst at The Great Wash

We hiked into a slot canyon called The Great Wash. Here the sun just peaks over a red rock mountain and makes a nice sun burst with the aperture set at f/22. Had to do a lot in ON1 to get the mountain so it wasn't just a big black image. LYLE

Red Rocks and Barn

This barn stands near the entrance to Capitol Reef. I really like the setting with the red rock wall and corral surrounding it. The wall behind makes the photo look like it isn't straight, but it is the wall that slopes. LYLE

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Yes, I know, it is weird. She is one of my students at the Senior Center. Another student was trying to take a picture of her. So I took one. Then I worked it over in ON1 Photo RAW. I am sure not everyone, or even a few will like it. Maybe just me. LYLE

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Nice Kitty

Remember the kitten in the tree? I way underexposed it, some work in ON1 Photo RAW was able to recover it. LYLE