Sunday, March 31, 2013

Daffodils and Strawberries

Playing with composition just a bit I moved the strawberry crock to help provide a backdrop for the daffodil. It seems to add some nice color and texture to the photo. LYLE

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Budding Aspen

Look whats happening in my front yard! I know I showed you a photo of the snow fall from just a few days ago but all has changed now. This is the Aspen tree standing at the corner of our house. I shot it with Ann's D70, 70-300 lens at 300mm, f/10, ISO 200 for 1/20 of a sec and hand held at that! I love the spring and am quite excited. LYLE

Sunday, March 24, 2013

figure 8

March Madness

This is for Judi

Shoshone Falls Close up

Another close up of the falls at Shoshone Falls, ID. A nice look at some of the details when the falls are at rest. LYLE

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I show you a lot of what I see in Big Cottonwood Canyon and the trail to Lake Blanche, but I happen to really like the area. I was up there with a friend of mine. He is Swiss, born in Bolivia and just recently came to the US from Russia. He is a very good photographer and is causing me to stretch a bit to keep up with him. He also shoots a D700 and just recently bought a D600. He has much the same eye as I do and loves HDR. This shot was captured in Manual Mode, f/32, ISO 200, 1/4 sec at 135mm with a 70-300 lens and is a single shot. LYLE

Detail of Shoshone Falls

This is a detail of Shoshone Falls in Twin Falls, ID. We were there last week visiting Ann and her family. The falls are not yet running but there was a lot of beauty in the rocks and the bit of water that was trickling over. There were birds sitting all over the place and a chucker ran along the rim. The falls are 212 feet high and run 3500 cu ft/sec during spring runoff (which hasn't started yet). LYLE

March 23, 2013

On this 23rd day of March this is what I woke up to. I think I want to live someplace else. I shot this with Ann's D70, she took my D700 to Arizona to shoot a wedding, sure wish I could have gone with her. LYLE