Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lemons and Cucumbers

Would you believe that they put Lemons and Cucumbers in the drink? This was at a fund raising gala that I was invited to shoot. Lots of fun with people but also some of the deco. I shot it at f/9, 1/60th sec at ISO 320. I did crop this one just a bit to get the composition cleaned up, there was some junk surrounding the shot like the table. A D700 captures just a bit more than you see in the view finder. LYLE

Guitar Strap

This guitar was on stage at a fund raiser that I was asked to take photos at. Mostly I took pictures of the people that came, but I had run of the place and was able to get on stage to take a few also. I thought this was a fun one. No HDR here, and I was also shooting in .jpg. I was in Aperture priority with my 24-120 lens at f/9, 1/80 sec, ISO 320, I didn't attempt to crop of straighten, just put a bit of a vignette on it. LYLE

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ensign Peak West

This is what I went up on Ensign Peak for. I thought by the cloud formations that it just might be a nice sunset. It sure didn't disappoint me any. This is, of course, an HDR photo, but I let it be pretty much the way I saw it. LYLE

A Peek at the back of Ensign Peak

I took a hike in the mountains to catch a sunset. I shot this about 8:00 in the evening from the backside of Ensign Peak. That is the most prominent mountain to the north of the Salt Lake valley. I had a lot of fun and will have to post some of the cityscape shots I took. It is a 5 shot HDR. LYLE