Sunday, October 27, 2013

Big Cottonwood Falls Detail

Three of us went up Big Cottonwood Canyon last Thursday to look for some fall colors. Most of the leaves were down on the ground with some of them in the stream. I really like the way they add splashes of bright to the scene. This is a 5 shot HDR. LYLE

Monday, October 14, 2013

City Park Fountain

I have wanted to shot this for a long time I just couldn't catch the light the way I wanted it. The sky was overcast but bright I used a blue filter in Photoshop to get a blue sky and this is a 7 exposure  HDR in Manual mode. I had to remove a trashcan behind the fountain.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Waiting to Perform

As I was cleaning off one of my cards I ran across some photos that I had taken last summer while at a rodeo. This rider was one of the "half time" performers (not sure if they call it half time or not in a rodeo). I really didn't like the shot but after playing with it a bit and turning it to B&W it came out okay for me. LYLE

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Moulton Barn

This is the world famous Moulton Barn. I shot it in HDR but only used one of the photos because the wind was blowing so much the trees were ghosting. It is pretty much the way I shot it other than to desaturate it just a bit to get that old look. LYLE

Teton Panorama

I took 7 HDR sets for this shot but only used 3 of them. When I tried to use all of them there was just too much distortion. I shot it at about 6:30 am to get the sunrise as it broke on the mountains. LYLE

Snake River Flow

This rock stands in the main flow of the Snake River close to the Idaho border. We were on our way home after a couple days in the Tetons and pulled into an overlook to enjoy the view and shoot a few more photos. It is a manual exposure at 2.5 seconds and f22 through a circular polarizing filter. LYLE

Cunningham Cabin

This wonderful little cabin stands on the plains in front of the Grand Teton Mountains just north of Jackson Hole, WY. It was built in 1888 by a trapper and cattleman named John Cunningham who lived there with his wife. I used a 20,000,000 candle power flashlight to light it up. Great fun and wonderful effect. LYLE