Saturday, February 18, 2012


 I wanted a B & W but the sky had a heavy overcast and the photo was too flat to look good in B&W. This is hand a held 2 shot HDR. AP f6.3 ISO 200 92mm, when processing in raw I added vignette, in layers I turned it B&W, Posterize it, photo filter 81, and brightness/contrast,  I kind of like the results. Bruce

The Tree House

 I don't see very many of these houses, I remember when they were the houses of the future. If you look in the woods you will see the tree house. Bruce

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Big Cottonwood in Winter

Judi and I went up the canyon to our favorite spot to take a shot in the dark, well almost dark, there was a near full moon. This is the same spot on the bridge where you were shooting when you were here. This is a 15 sec exposure at ISO 800, f4.5, 70mm in manual mode. I used a 20,000,000 candle power flashlight to give it a bit of light, maybe 3 seconds just so the camera could focus. I should have turned the auto focus off and just put it at infinity. Came out okay but not as good as I wanted it to. Oh, by the way, it was 35 degrees while I was doing it. LYLE

Friday, February 3, 2012

Social Hall

This modern structure is located where the old Social Hall stood in SLC, UT. The outer frame work is about the same size as the original plastered adobe structure. The original was used for many purposes including meetings of the legislature, family productions, and various community functions. LYLE

Social Hall Basement

This was shot in the basement of the old Social Hall in SLC. All that remains of the building is the foundation that you get a view of beside the escalators, it was a stone rubble foundation and contained a cooking area at the back. Very fascinating and quite picturesque. LYLE

Up the Orange Staircase

I was out wondering around at noon and took this underground passageway from the City Creek Rising project, under State Street, to go to my bank. This caught my attention and I had my camera with me. I hand held this 5 shot HDR using the D700 and 16-35 wide angle lens. The day was basically cloudy out so it didn't get a lot of sun light directly but a nice diffused look. LYLE