Tuesday, January 28, 2014

MSU Credit Union

I was wimpy shooting this I stopped the car rolled the window put the camera on program, this building was begging for a picture to be taken but the temperature was 3deg f and the wind was blowing to make it colder. I thought this building looked so pretty  in the snow I couldn't pass it up but couldn't make myself get out sf the car. cropped and edited in Photoshop CC, ISO 250, f8, 1/250sec

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lace and Water

I guess I don't have to tell you how cold it is here, you can see it. This is back up on the trail to Lake Blanch where we shot a few during your trip to Utah. I shot this in manual at f/20, 1/6 sec shutter, ISO 160, and 125 mm with my 70-300 lens. The reason I used f/20 was to close down the aperture so I could keep the shutter open just a bit to smooth out the water. I also really love the high pass sharpening function in Photo shop. I selected selective color and took all of the color including black out of the white to brighten up the water and ice. LYLE

Wind Tunnel

This is a Mayan Ruin that was part of a "wind tunnel". It was constructed so the wind would blow through it and create a sound much like a conch shell does when you blow in it. They used it as a navigation aid to help find the island at night when they were on the sea. I shot this with my Cannon Power Shot D10. LYLE