Monday, June 27, 2011

In my backyard

Judi and I went up Big Cottonwood Canyon tonight for supper. We cooked tinfoil dinners over a camp fire. The sunset was lighting up the hills and I just happened to have my camera so I captured this scene. LYLE

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Jeff's new House

This is Jeff's neew house we kept his kids and dog and they moved in. We had a blast and when we took the grand children home we got to see their new house. I took a few snapshots all hand held, the front is a single shot and the back is a 2 shot HDR Bruce


I wanted a good sunset from Jeffs balcony.  Mother Nature didn't shoe me one so I did it in photoshop. Bruce

The Stairs

 I decided to great an abstract of Jeffs outdoor stairs. This is a single shot leaning over the handrail shooting without a tripod. ISO 250 f8 l/20th sec. then in Photoshop I inverted it, altered it in curves and Posturized it. Bruce

Friday, June 24, 2011

Crop duster

Judi and I got worried about this guy, he seemed to get more bold the longer I took pictures of him so we decided to leave before he crashed. As you can see he was having to clear those wires. I shot it at f/8, ISO 200, shutter speed 1/320 sec at 105mm with my 18-105. WHAT? A single shot? LYLE

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pulling into Promontory

This wonderful engine (119) was just pulling into the station at Promontory, UT when we arrived. This, believe it or not, is a single capture. This is a recreation of the original engine that stood at this location at the time the golden spike was driven when the East met the West. This engine came from the East.  LYLE

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Double Tree

This is a 5 shot HDR that I hand held. I saw the tree and it's reflection and really was caught by it. It was on a hairpin curve dropping into Shoshone Falls, there was no parking in the area and my knee wouldn't allow me to walk up or down to it. I had to approach it from above and park on the wrong side of the road, jump out take the shots and get going before blocking too much traffic. Came out okay so I guess it was worth it, hope that guy that had to wait appreciates what he waited for. LYLE

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bridge Over the Snake

This is one of the only bridges left that you can legally jump off of. They even sponsor an event for the people who want to jump off of it. They call it BASE jumping. Not something that I will try anytime soon. LYLE

Twin Falls Temple

I really enjoyed taking this photo. It is a 5 shot HDR. I took the first shot and the shutter stayed open for 13 seconds! The shortest one was for 2 seconds. You can see the auto head and tail lights on the street between me and the building. I have never been able to tone map night skies and this one was no exception so I used exposure fusion and it came out looking like this. You can even see some of the sunset in the background. I was really excited about the whole experience. LYLE

Memories like you never had them

These are shots that I know you took when you were here. The first one is the falls on the trail to Lake Blanch. The next one is on the bridge where you shot a photo at the road that turns into the parking lot at Lake Blanch. The last one is from under the tree at Silver Lake at the top of Big Cottonwood Canyon. LYLE

I hope you enjoy these photos. I had a ball taking them mostly because I was thinking about you and Linda. Enjoy. LYLE

Friday, June 3, 2011


 It hit 103° today so I thought it might be a good day for a tan!
This is a 3 shot HDR I cropped it, air brushed out the phone number and clone stamped out a street sign. I have wanted to shoot this for a long time and I had a lot of fun editing this one.  Bruce