Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Michigan Christmas 2

This is something I'm  not used to seeing, SNOW!
ISO250  f8  1/250  52mm

Michigan Christmas

We survived the freezing rain and snow that hit Michigan the week of Christmas. We arrived at Leigh's on Sunday just as the rain started freezing. I took this photo Thursday evening the temperature didn't let the ice melt until Friday and we had snow every day. We lost one phase of the electricity the first night the fan to the central heat, the fridge and some of the lights worked but the water pump for the well didn't. Linda cooked Christmas dinner on the gas grill outside and a hot plate run by Leigh's generator. We were in good hands, Gods!
ISO 250 f4  1/60sec edited in Corel PaintShop X6

Monday, December 9, 2013

Blooming Cactus

I shot this on my hunting trip. These cacti are everywhere and this is as close to a bloom that I have seen.
f5.6,    1/100 sec,  ISO 400,  macro 135mm

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Snow Berries

This is my front yard about 30 min ago. 27d F and no wind. This was a 3 sec shot in ambient light. LYLE

Monday, December 2, 2013

Windmill 2

I did shoot the windmill offset I liked it you said you would like it I just like the other shot better.


I had to shot this twisted stump it didn't turn out as nice as I thought it would I really didn't get the right angle I should have been lower and I didn't get it.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I wanted to show the blades to show motion so I had to make this a 3 exposure HDR I tried to post this as a B&W but when I viewed it on the desk top it was too flat so I edited it back to color,

Alamo Ranch Dead Tree

I shot more than deer on m my hunting trip this dead tree caught my eye f8 250 sec ISO400


I went hunting and this lucky buck I had to shoot with with my camera because I had already shot an eight point (4 western count)  f5.6  1/50sec ISO 1600 shooting in program mode to keep from missing the shot

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Lost Slot Canyon

This is the end of the canyon that we were directed to by a park ranger. We were hoping to find a slot canyon but this was the end of the line. I shot the next photo at the bottom of the wall on the left and just behind me. This is a 5 shot HDR and was hand held. LYLE

Petroglyphs in Zion

We were looking for a slot canyon that we were directed to by a park ranger but were unable to find it. We did find these petroglyphs at the bottom of a wall so I took some shots of them. They really came out great. They are about 4" high and right at the bottom of a huge cliff. I shot this one at f/4.5, 1/200 sec, ISO 200, manual mode at 29mm with a 16-35 wide angle lens. LYLE

Friday, November 8, 2013

Canyon Overlook Trail

Thought you might enjoy seeing part of one of the trails we were on to get to an overlook, breathtaking. I had already crossed this once and was on the way out when I shot this. LYLE

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Big Cottonwood Falls Detail

Three of us went up Big Cottonwood Canyon last Thursday to look for some fall colors. Most of the leaves were down on the ground with some of them in the stream. I really like the way they add splashes of bright to the scene. This is a 5 shot HDR. LYLE

Monday, October 14, 2013

City Park Fountain

I have wanted to shot this for a long time I just couldn't catch the light the way I wanted it. The sky was overcast but bright I used a blue filter in Photoshop to get a blue sky and this is a 7 exposure  HDR in Manual mode. I had to remove a trashcan behind the fountain.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Waiting to Perform

As I was cleaning off one of my cards I ran across some photos that I had taken last summer while at a rodeo. This rider was one of the "half time" performers (not sure if they call it half time or not in a rodeo). I really didn't like the shot but after playing with it a bit and turning it to B&W it came out okay for me. LYLE

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Moulton Barn

This is the world famous Moulton Barn. I shot it in HDR but only used one of the photos because the wind was blowing so much the trees were ghosting. It is pretty much the way I shot it other than to desaturate it just a bit to get that old look. LYLE

Teton Panorama

I took 7 HDR sets for this shot but only used 3 of them. When I tried to use all of them there was just too much distortion. I shot it at about 6:30 am to get the sunrise as it broke on the mountains. LYLE

Snake River Flow

This rock stands in the main flow of the Snake River close to the Idaho border. We were on our way home after a couple days in the Tetons and pulled into an overlook to enjoy the view and shoot a few more photos. It is a manual exposure at 2.5 seconds and f22 through a circular polarizing filter. LYLE

Cunningham Cabin

This wonderful little cabin stands on the plains in front of the Grand Teton Mountains just north of Jackson Hole, WY. It was built in 1888 by a trapper and cattleman named John Cunningham who lived there with his wife. I used a 20,000,000 candle power flashlight to light it up. Great fun and wonderful effect. LYLE

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bro Sis Fun

Yes, I know, broke the rules...but I just wanted you to see where we were. This was taken on Sep. 20, 2013. They called to wish me a happy birthday and told me they were going to Yellowstone, I said well in that case so am I. We spent two days together. Really had fun. Jump on an airplane, Bruce, it is only 5 hours from my front door. LYLE

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Duck Calls

These duck calls were on display at our annual hunter safety expo put on by the hospital Linda works at. Linda was working the registration table so I grabbed my camera and shot a few frames. I didn't carry my tripod so I didn't get enough good shots of any one subject to do an HDR.  1/40 f22 400 ISO 58mm

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Aspen under the Stars

I shot this last night while on a campout. We were all in a pavilion that was lit up with a bunch of fluorescent lights. I stepped out and shot the trees and sky for 30 sec. at ISO 200 and f/4. The trees were nicely lit by the lights of the pavilion while the stars show up due to the exposure. I have done nothing to this photo other than to sharpen it up a bit in camera raw with Adobe Bridge. Can you tell what direction I am looking by the stars? LYLE

Monday, September 2, 2013

plant life on the rocks

I went back to my photos from our family reunion and added a gradient layer to darken the edges like a vignette. I am playing with my new Photoshop  program.

Hold On

Judi and I went to see Ann and family in Twin Falls. While there we went to a rodeo, I had been wanting to shoot some photos of that type of action. Some of the issues that need to be overcome are shooting in a very dark arena, lots of movement, long distance, no tripod and so on. Things happen very fast so I just had to point and hold down the shutter release and hope I captured something. This whole image makes me remember how fast things were happening. LYLE

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Michigan River

This is just an experiment, I just signed up and downloaded Photoshop CC. This is a 3 shot HDR hand held against a hand rail on an overlook. This sure beats Photoshop 4. I took a shot from this same spot the last time I was here and there was snow covered, I am also using my laptop so I don't know how good my colors are,

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Fun is where you find it. While processing these HDR images I did them in B&W and then bumped up the saturation just a bit to get them to have just a faint blush of color. Since they are quite worn with chipped paint and all it makes for an interesting shot. LYLE

Owl. closeup

If you zoom in a bit you will notice that the owl has eye lashes, and they are feathers! I thought that was remarkable. If you look close enough you will also see that I am in the reflection of its eye. LYLE

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Oak Leafs

I was at the farm the other day and saw these dried up Oak leafs and liked the composition. 400 ISO f13 1/80  70mm

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

MSU Campus

I was sitting In the car waiting for Leigh and kept looking at the lines these buildings and thees formed and decided  to to shoot it. The building in the background looks like dorms and I have no idea what the one is in the foreground.

MSU Campus Building

I was shooting at the wrong time of day and didn't have a lens hood with me so I have lens flare on this shot but I thought you would like this building covered in Ivy anyway. If I had used my head I could have blocked out the sun from my lens by hand.

Tennessee Museum

I was on my way to Leighs and pasted this building in NW Tennessee on US Highway 51 I turned around and went back to get this shot. I couldn't read the sign from the road and the entrance was under construction and I couldn't drive in to see what it is. At first I thought it was an airport but I don't see any runways then I noticed the church on one side and it looks like an old schoolhouse on the other and there was three trains side by side not in the photo by the church, It may be a museum.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Yellow Bill

I went to the Tracey Aviary yesterday morning while Judi was at work, I had been wanting to do that for some time now. I was shooting through a heavy chain link fence so I had to shoot wide open to make it disappear, f/5.6, 1/80 sec, ISO 200, 270 mm, in shutter priority. I have no idea what kind of bird it is. LYLE

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Big Cottonwood Rapids

I went up in the mountains this morning, (retired now, you know) just below the trail head to Lake Blanch. I could take my time and enjoy each spot I visited. Judi was working so I was able to really take my time and enjoy each area. This is a 5 shot HDR of the scene. It was so bright I had to set my exposure compensation to +1 when shooting HDR and +5 when capturing a single shot so I wouldn't blow out the whites. LYLE

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bonsai Tree

This little Bonsai Tree was standing along the trail to Moose Flats in Albion Basin. When I saw it I knew I had to get a photo of it. We were shooting for three things, effective use of depth of field, leading lines, and overall composition. I think I got it all in this one photo. I used my 500mm lens and was about 30 feet from it. I was shooting in M, ISO 200, f/4, 1/3 sec. I also used Photoshop on it to get the look I wanted. LYLE

Monday, July 1, 2013

Marshall's Main Fire Station

With the tragic deaths in Arizona I am honoring all firefighters with a photo of my hometown fire department. God be with all firefighters and the families of the ones that gave their lifes!      

. Country Fun

Linda says hi! She was enjoying herself on the tractor singing Green Acres. I just couldn't help but share this with you. f 16   1/50  ISO 400. converted to B&W because I like it better than full color.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lemons and Cucumbers

Would you believe that they put Lemons and Cucumbers in the drink? This was at a fund raising gala that I was invited to shoot. Lots of fun with people but also some of the deco. I shot it at f/9, 1/60th sec at ISO 320. I did crop this one just a bit to get the composition cleaned up, there was some junk surrounding the shot like the table. A D700 captures just a bit more than you see in the view finder. LYLE

Guitar Strap

This guitar was on stage at a fund raiser that I was asked to take photos at. Mostly I took pictures of the people that came, but I had run of the place and was able to get on stage to take a few also. I thought this was a fun one. No HDR here, and I was also shooting in .jpg. I was in Aperture priority with my 24-120 lens at f/9, 1/80 sec, ISO 320, I didn't attempt to crop of straighten, just put a bit of a vignette on it. LYLE

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ensign Peak West

This is what I went up on Ensign Peak for. I thought by the cloud formations that it just might be a nice sunset. It sure didn't disappoint me any. This is, of course, an HDR photo, but I let it be pretty much the way I saw it. LYLE

A Peek at the back of Ensign Peak

I took a hike in the mountains to catch a sunset. I shot this about 8:00 in the evening from the backside of Ensign Peak. That is the most prominent mountain to the north of the Salt Lake valley. I had a lot of fun and will have to post some of the cityscape shots I took. It is a 5 shot HDR. LYLE

Monday, May 27, 2013

Old Fossil

This wonderful guy was in the Natural History Museum in Salt Lake City, UT. A truly awesome display of dinosaurs. I left my tripod home so had to hand hold while shooting in very low light. This one was for 1/6th of a sec. I am feeling like an old fossil, I think I will change my on-line photo to this one. LYLE

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Full Moon

I shot this last night with a 500mm lens on my D700. I was actually mildly surprised at the outcome. I did crop into it just a bit to get it big enough but even before I cropped it it looked pretty good. The lens has an aperture of f/4. It is very touchy and hard to focus. LYLE

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Strawberry Flower

I went out at noon today looking for something to shoot. There is this nice little stream running past the conference center belonging to the Church. There are strawberries growing along the bank. I was shooting in manual but this has been quite manipulated prior to posting it. LYLE

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Farmington Bay Sunset Vert

This is another shot of Farmington Bay. I quite liked the composition with the cracked mud foreground and clouds that bring you to the mountains. I shot it in Aperture Priority, f/8, 1/200 sec, as I said before, it didn't matter which way I turned the camera, it was a great scene. LYLE

Thursday, May 2, 2013

State Capitol Dome

I used a borrowed 500mm mirror lens (Quantaray) that is manual focus and very difficult to use. I took about 15 different shots with it and only saved 3 of them due to poor focus. But this one came out quite nice. I did have to straighten it up and I put a light vignette on it just to get it to punch a bit. LYLE

Dark Tulip

A friend of mine has one of those $125.00 500mm fixed lens. It is a mirror type that is totally manual and very touchy. I was about 4 feet from the flower and shooting in manual with that lens. I seriously underexposed the photo but liked it very much when I opened it. This one has not been touched in Photoshop at all, just the way I shot it. LYLE