Friday, October 27, 2017

Broken Hearts

Lots of fun with a little distilled water, some food coloring and a couple of miniature carnations. Judi composed it and I shot it. It tells of two lovers broken relationship. LYLE

Pumpkin Dreams

Judi and I set up this scene. I have been wanting to do something like this for a while. I shot the first photo of the three pumpkins on a black background with a piece of glass for the pumpkins to sit on for the reflection. Then I carved the pumpkin and then shot it again. Using a layer mask I combined the two photos. I have gotten a pretty good response from it. LYLE

Friday, August 25, 2017

No Modesty

I just couldn't resist. LOL, I'll be nice and leave it at that.

Sea Turtle

We went for a walk on the fishing pier this is only one of many and the firs time I have seen sea turtles in the wild.



While in Florida I was on an upper deck at lunch and liked what I saw.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

This shot was taken at the fishing pier on Silver Lake near Brighton, UT at the top of Big Cottonwood Canyon. I had to use a neutral density filter on the sky to get it to look blue during the shot. Camera settings were: f/22, 1/2 sec, ISO 100, 24mm with a 24-120 lens. It took some doing to get the blue out of the walkway, I shot it at 5500 Kelvin, but it was still very blue. LYLE

My granddaughter, Elle, and I took some flowers and put then in a leftover container in about 1/2" of water and froze it. That made them stick to the bottom, we then added enough water to cover them and returned them to the freezer, the next day we poured about another 1 1/2" of water over it and froze that. Then we used gels over flashlights to give it some color and took the pictures. Elle chose blue and green for her shot and I used reds for mine. LYLE
We celebrated the 4th,in part, by going to the park in South Jordan and watching fireworks. This is a 2 1/2 sec exposure, ISO 1000 and 102 mm. LYLE

Monday, April 24, 2017

garden in a box

Linda wanted a small garden so I built a railed garden box out of cedar. We planted tomatoes, peppers and garlic in it. This is in our back yard in front of the living room windows.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Yellow Rose

Shooting with a homemade 2" extension tube for macro photography and a 24-120 lens. I had room lights on, a window uncovered beside the flower and two flashlights shining on it. Really hard to get enough light and nearly impossible to focus it, but I sure love the outcome. It is a very soft focus and I did almost nothing to the photo once I shot it. I had to shoot in aperture and +2 exposure value with ISO set at 640. I love playing with these things. LYLE