Friday, December 30, 2016

Shooting Ahead

This is a Pierce Arrow radiator cap. I was looking at some older photos that I took a little over a year ago and saw these three shots. I just had to try again to get them to work out. I had a friend hold a reflector/diffuser behind the subject to get rid of the busy backgrounds. LYLE

Running Ahead

This wonderful radiator cap is on a Ford. LYLE

Flying Lady

As I remember this ornament was on the radiator of a Packard. LYLE

Monday, November 28, 2016

Morgan 2

Here is another shot of the Morgan I didn't remove the color from the background as you can see. I think it improved the other one by leaps and bounds, it would probably help this one too. I decided to work on this one in Paintshop Pro X6 In thinking about upgrading to X9 and dropping Photoshop.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


This old Morgan was on display on the ships concourse. This is an HDR but all the colors around the car distracted from it so I turned everything but the car B&W.. I am finely getting around to working no my photos from the cruise we took at the end of September.

Ships Water Slides

I was trying to be creative I like the way this shot turned out, I guess I'm getting old I didn't get on the slides.

Sunrise Gulf of Mexico

Headed back to Houston shot this off our rooms balcony, we had smooth sailing the whole trip.
.  Bruce

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Park Lake, Mi

This is the lake behind Leighs house as you can as I'm in Michigan again Leigh had surgery on her knee. I was run off told to go take some pictures so I drove around for a while just couldn't get in the mood. I would see a possible photo and there just wasn't anywhere to stop the roads don't have shoulders so you don't have anywhere to park and walk around to get a good shot. I ended up at s park on the opposite side of the lake than she lives on. If you look there is a large flock of birds flying over the lake in the photo with the tree. I had to shoot hand held I got my tripod and didn't have the shoe for it on the camera or in the bag I had removed it when I went on my cruise because I didn't carry the tripod.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Angels Landing Trail

This is a view of the trail leading to Angels Landing in Zion National Park. We climbed up to this point before deciding to head back. It taxed me pretty good to get this far but I was pretty happy to do it. Now I just need to continue preparing myself for the next time I am in ZNP. This is a 5 shot HDR, I used that method due to the flat light caused by the cloud cover. LYLE

Saturday, September 24, 2016

White Deer

I went with Jeff to his lease and shot this deer it's not deer season so I couldn't shoot it with a gun. I had to take a picture of it to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

New condo

 Front door, dining room, coat closet, and hall.
 laundry (behind double doors on left),pantry, kitchen.
Living room, door to master bed room(behind couch partial view), back door.

Birds eye view of the living areas of our new nest. I'm getting ready to go on vacation will have to wait until we get back for the rest because I've been being lazy and haven't shot the rest of the condo.I know it's a poor excuse but honest.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Natures Pin Cushion

This wild flower reminded me of a pin cushion I shot this at the same lake as the dragon fly. I used my Signa Lens in Macro. This is a 2 shot HDR the wind made th third shot blurry so I cousdn't use it.

Ready For Takeoff

I was take pictures at p lake I stopped at on my way home from Mi. I spotted this dragon fly and took several shots of it and it didn't move this is a 5 shot HDR.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Flowers and a log

This very nice log was lying next to a small brooklet that was scattered with yellow flowers. I thought the contrast of colors and textures was nice.


Butterfly's have always been elusive to me. I finally caught one. I was pretty excited.


I went up to Albion Basin, all of the wildflowers are in full bloom. Even the moose were running around. I took a few snapshots of them but nothing to post. LYLE

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sailboat Underway

I was wishing I was on it. It was a beautiful day for hiking and taking photos in the sand dunes on the shore of Lake Michigan, Leigh and I had a blast.

Where's Waldo?

I went to Lake Michigan today water temp 72 deg. F. air temp 78 deg. F. I named this in my file Day at the Beach but looking I saw a person with a red striped shirt so WHERE,S WALDO won the title.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Beaver? no Squirrel

I was sitting at my table this morning and spotted this mixed up squirrel chewing on the tree. I grabbed the D200 with the 28-300 on it and caught it in the act.  Actually he was pulling bark off and eating it.
f6.3  1/40sec 240mm

Went Fishing

 The days catch, 3 Red Fish each (the legal limit) and 1 Spotted Trout (mine).
Sorry I had to break the rules, just couldn't help myself! I didn't know I was a fisherman so I have to show it off. If you look at the shadow on my arm you can tell I am not holding the red fish way out in front of me to make it look bigger it was 28.5 in. long the guides scales was broken so I don't know the weight, We went to Rockport Tx. on a guided fishing trip fulfilling my Christmas present from Jeff this last Christmas. The guide took the photo D200 on auto

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Went Hunting

 I shot this dove and it flew off.
I saw a squirrel and shot it The dumb thing just looked at me. I was getting hungry so I went in and fixed a pot of beans, I need to check my aim!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I'm not afraid of you!

That is until that old man opens the door. ha! ha! Ha!
PS, Sorry about the composition I took the shot I without thinking, it looks like the floor is on a slope.


Field of bluebonnets and unknown flowers.


Linda and I went to view the Bluebonnets this last weekend. I saw where SLC was getting getting snow. I thought you might like to see what spring looks like!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Crashing Waves

I really like the reef and crashing waves. The water is so gorgeous at this beach due to the white sand and sunshine. LYLE

Palms at Sunrise

This is a sunrise shot of the beach at Riviera Maya, Mexico. This is where we stayed. One morning, well, most mornings the sunrises were unbelievable, I would get up early and walk on the beach taking pictures of the sky and trees and waves. LYLE

Steps to Tulum

This is a shot of the temple at Tulum, Mexico. I really like the way to steps lead you right into the temple itself. This was a truly amazing place to be. It was right on the edge of a cliff that fell to the beach and ocean below. LYLE

Caribean Turtle

While snorkeling off the coast of Mexico I had a GoPro camera with me taking movies, I lifted this image and then modified it to clear up the blue caused by the water but then had to add it back in for the water, huh? The turtle was very dull and the blue was unrealistic but since I was doing thing I just couldn't stop and ended up with this. The turtle looks normal though. LYLE