Sunday, January 29, 2012


I was about to delete this shot it was underexposed. I decided to play with it. I added 2 stops then played with B&W then selective color. The image is almost B&W it was heavy overcast so I did it at 50%. The selective color under the white adjustment I changed the colors of the clouds I am posting the 3 I like. I started to tell you I had gone fishing and caught a bird instead. It is doing seismic testing if you look in the trees there is a weight hanging from the line. Iso 1000 F 10 1/320 sec 135mm Bruce

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Buck Fever

I was driving through a hunting ranch to go to a compressor to work on it.This Fallow Deer just wasn't afraid of me at all, I stopped and got out of my truck and it looked atone and kept eating I was about 20yds from it. I am use to Whitetail deer that are  afraid of people. Oh, yes I did use my lightroom to make it look presentable. I cropped it, sharpened it and added l stop exposure. 1/30 sec f6.3  70mm  hand held 1st exposure of 3 shot bracket the other 2 were blury.  Bruce

Monday, January 9, 2012

Jack's Sculpture

We had Jack (Doug's boy) over on Sat, he built this sculpture out of a set of shapes that I picked up while at the AIA convention last year in New Orleans. He was pretty proud of it so I sat up my camera and let him squeeze the trigger to get this shot. Thought I might share it with you. It was shot in Manual mode at 135 mm with the 70-300, ISO 400, 1/6 sec, with the aperture at f4.8. I used a black paper background and only the natural light coming through the windows. LYLE

Monday, January 2, 2012

St Joseph the Worker Catholic Church

I was on my way home and drove past this new Catholic church. It is quite a modern building so I decided to take a couple of shots of it. It was 6:00 pm so it was dark, I set it up at ISO 400, shutter priority, 1.6 seconds and took the picture (not HDR). I can not tell you what the various spaces are used for, but it is interesting. LYLE