Friday, August 26, 2011

Speed Boat

I found a new program (read that as in bought) and was playing with certain filters that it comes with. This one was kinda fun for the right setting. Other than that the photo is not especially compelling, I just like the filter in this instance.  LYLE

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


 I decided to combine photos I took in 1972 I used Elements 8 to make the collage. Starting at the top left is the entrance to the Galleria Toledo in Naples, next the Dome is Il Dumo in Florence, then the Castle Nuovo in Naples, then Michelangelo's tumb it is in Il Duomo in Florence and last is his statue of David also in Florence. Bruce

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pitchfork Heaven

This lonely pitchfork is resting peacefully in this scene. It is a 5 shot HDR taken from outside the building through a window. LYLE

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blue Barn

You may wonder about the title for this photo. It is because Ann had borrowed my camera and I didn't think about the white balance before shooting. It was quite blue because she had been shooting indoors and had it set for some interior type of lighting, it didn't work too well outdoors. I just couldn't bring it back enough to get the blue out of the wood grain so I turned it black and white. LYLE

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Thin Building

This is a very thin building. It is here in SLC. I think after the belt tightening that the banks have had to do they will all look like this. Actually it is just a front to impress investors. The building extends back at a 45d angle and I just got into the right position to make it look strange. LYLE

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Parthenon

I spent more time in Athens than any other port and visited the Parthenon on Acropolis (I always thought the Acropolis was the temple until I looked it up). I figured you would like the detail shot so I brought you to it like I first saw it. Bruce

JFK Aircraft Carrier

 We were steaming information with the JFK and I was on the Flag Bridge with my Kodak. I wish I had had a good camera back then. I probably took the two shoots below on the same day, Bruce

Little Rock Underway

 After talking to Judi I decided to scan these in and post them. We were rocking and rolling on the open seas in January of 1972. Bruce

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Leaning Tower of Pisa

 I shot this in 1971 I thought you might enjoy an old photo I scanned and touched up in Photoshop.I took this before I bought a 35mm camera. Bruce

Russain Missile Submarine

 I am trying something new for me. This was shot off the deck of the USS Little Rock in the strait of Gibraltar on new years day 1972. Morocco is in the background. I shot this with a Kodak Instamatic color corrected in photoshop then turned to B&W. Bruce

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Family History Library

I was given the assignment to get a picture of the Family History Library for the FHL center. They knew that I would shoot it in HDR and do it just a bit different than others would, but they asked anyway. This is what I gave them. I shot it at about 9:30 at night so I would have some pretty good light and there would be no people around. I understand they will be using it on their web site and in printed brochures. LYLE

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yellow Submarine

This was shot from Damon's deck while we were in Spokane. You may recognize my kayak on the dock, the other two boats were Damon's. I shot this with that Nikon D3s that I had rented. The files are of a format that Windows Ultimate 7 will not read so I had to shoot in both .jpg and .nef to be able to see them. I shot it at f8, 1/160 sec, 200 ISO at 70 mm with the 70-300 lens. The file is 2.2 MB which is the smallest that camera would shoot. LYLE

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

HOT !!!

 We have a cold front coming it is only getting up to 100 degrees on Sunday. I started to alter it in Photoscape but changed my mind this is Photojournalism not artistic photography. Bruce

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Art Center Entry-BDS Modifications

You are right, it looks better this way. I also added a vignette to darken the tree and building to draw attention to the entry. Thanks, LYLE

Monday, August 1, 2011

Psycho Fountain

I am not sure what happened but I think my white balance was just a bit off. The more I tried to correct it the worse things got untill I just gave up and saved it. Oh well, some you just can't save. LYLE