Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I'm not afraid of you!

That is until that old man opens the door. ha! ha! Ha!
PS, Sorry about the composition I took the shot I without thinking, it looks like the floor is on a slope.


Field of bluebonnets and unknown flowers.


Linda and I went to view the Bluebonnets this last weekend. I saw where SLC was getting getting snow. I thought you might like to see what spring looks like!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Crashing Waves

I really like the reef and crashing waves. The water is so gorgeous at this beach due to the white sand and sunshine. LYLE

Palms at Sunrise

This is a sunrise shot of the beach at Riviera Maya, Mexico. This is where we stayed. One morning, well, most mornings the sunrises were unbelievable, I would get up early and walk on the beach taking pictures of the sky and trees and waves. LYLE

Steps to Tulum

This is a shot of the temple at Tulum, Mexico. I really like the way to steps lead you right into the temple itself. This was a truly amazing place to be. It was right on the edge of a cliff that fell to the beach and ocean below. LYLE

Caribean Turtle

While snorkeling off the coast of Mexico I had a GoPro camera with me taking movies, I lifted this image and then modified it to clear up the blue caused by the water but then had to add it back in for the water, huh? The turtle was very dull and the blue was unrealistic but since I was doing thing I just couldn't stop and ended up with this. The turtle looks normal though. LYLE