Friday, April 30, 2010

Noisy Little Finch

I don't actually know what kind of bird this is but it sure was noisy. I had a hard time even seeing it because I was looking for something much larger. f/8, 1/30 sec, ISO 110 zoomed way in with the 70-300 lens.  LYLE

Thursday, April 29, 2010

faces in strange places

this is what happens when lightning strikes a salt water tank in the gas feild. I am thankfull I wasn't location when it happened. The tank on the left is a replacement for the damaged tanks.  ISO 400, 1/125 sec f22 full manual 28mm.  Bruce

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Urban Quail

I was out at noon today (April 27) and saw this little quail on Temple Square.  I got a pretty good angle on him and he let me take quite a few shots.  Sorry I didn't take the time to look up the info on the settings. The ivy is growing around the base of a tree and the family of quail seemed to be living there.  LYLE

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pink Blossoms

Judi thinks this is a Japanese tree of some kind, I really couldn't tell you. I shot the HDR's at 8:30 pm so that is the moon up there. I used the 10-24 lens again at f/4.5. LYLE

Future Plums

This tree is standing in the school yard next door, it is a flowering plum (I think), they don't acutally bear fruit. Lots of them in the neighborhood. I took the HDR set about 6:30 pm. I used the 10-24 wide angle set at f/4.5.  LYLE

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Play Set


This is in my back yard. The house on the left is mine. The photo is HDR with 0 step set at f/8, 1/2 sec, ISO 1600, +1.7 EV, 10 mm at about 8:45 pm. LYLE

Original Train

This is the original photo that I used to do the next one. Not a bad photo by itself, just not real creative.  LYLE

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Its a Black and White World

It is really amazing what can be done in Photoshop.  LYLE

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

First United Methodist church

I really wasn't satisfied with this one but didn't get a chance to shot another time with the tree in bloom I will have to wait untill next year. I think this is one of the prettiest buildings in Marshall.   1/450 sec  f5.6 ISO 200 at 35mm  Bruce

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wasatch Front-HDR Step 0

This is the 0 step of the next HDR photo. It was shot at f/5.3, 1 sec shutter delay, ISO 1600, +0.7 step at 70 mm. I also set the camera in shutter priority. After it was tonemapped and photoshopped it looks like the next posting.  LYLE

A Night Shot

This photo was taken about 30 minutes after sunset, it was totally dark. I took it with a 1 second shutter delay, a -0.7 EV and 5 shots. I messed with it in photoshop and equalized the histrogram, I also changed the curves to enhance the color. I was pleasantly surprised that there was so much detail when it seemed that there was so little light.  LYLE

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Is it STILL Snowing?

You may recognize this from a photo I posted on Oct. 25, 2009, it is the same park. You would think that by April 6 the snow would stop, but NO!, not here in SLC. ISO 100, f/8, 98 mm, 1/160 shutter with -0.3 step. LYLE

Monday, April 5, 2010

Welcome to Trolley Square

This is an entrance to a shopping mall in SLC called Trolley Square. I was concerned when I went over there during my lunch hour that it would be filled with people. I guess the economy has taken its toll. This is a 5 shot HDR set at +1.7 EV and 1 full f stop in aperture priority.  LYLE

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nuts No Snow

This one is hard to look at like a pin stripe shirt your eye dosn't know where to focus.  I almost over looked these ACORNS and SWEETGUM BALLS  I'mglad I didn't because this is the only photo I got at this location worth posting. 1/800sec. f6.70  200 ISO 34mm Bruce

White Rose

This beautiful rose was in the center of a lovely boquet. I was not sure if I could get a nice picture of it due to the lack of a macro lens. I used my 18-135 lens at the 135 end of the spectrum and stood way back. I shot it without the use of a tripod so I was happy that it didn't come out too blury. I also opened up the aperture all the way and set the camera on dynamic metering and manually chose the focus spot. f/5.6, 1/40 shutter, ISO 800 with a +1 step. LYLE

Friday, April 2, 2010

the wood shed

This exposure was a mistake I had my camera in manual mode and couldn't see the meter in the veiwfinder. I took a couple of shots before checking to see how they looked I didn't think it would be worth messing with but after I adjusted some of the others I tried to save this one and wouldn't you know it I liked it the best . I allways heard of getting punished behind the wood shed but I don't remember getting punished behind one myself. Bruce