Monday, July 23, 2012

The Trestle

This trestle is on the Hiawatha Trail outside of Wallace, MT. As I mentioned in an earlier post we bicycled the 17 mile trail and had a great time. Did hurt my nates a bit (look that one up in your Funk and Waggonalls). I shot it at 1/160 sec, 35 mm, ISO 200 while leaning out over the cable rail and stretching out to get the angle I wanted, then in Photomatix I tonemapped it as a single shot. LYLE

1 comment:

  1. Has Lyle sproutted wings? was my first thought because I looked at the photo before reading about it. This is an interesting photo but I can't keep my eye on it. Everything but the trestle points to the upper right hand corner and that is where my eyes go. The nate is the fleshy part of the body that people sit on, but I didn't know without looking it up. Bruce
